
Here’s my first post of hopefully many.  I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now and I really hope it’s something people find interesting or fun but if nothing else it’s a way to spend some time analyzing and organizing things I do as a player and getting them out of my head and into a useful format.  I’m hoping you can find some of it useful or interesting or thought-provoking.  It’s probably going to take a little time to get some things worked out like how often I post or even what my site is going to look like but I think it’s more important than ever for musicians to have an online presence and this is my first volley.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you feel like you want to come back.


Categorized as General

By Barry

I've been playing the saxophone professionally for over 30 years mostly in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. I've been through a lot of trials and tribulations trying to learn and play this wonderful instrument and my hope is to pass some knowledge along to others and maybe save them some of the trouble. At the very least I want to give you some things to think about even if you do something different or disregard what I say completely.

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