Comments on: Fun Weekend Saxophone, Recording, Mixing, and Beyond Sat, 04 Jan 2014 21:00:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry Thu, 10 Jan 2013 02:10:59 +0000 In reply to Steve Scheinberg.

Hi Steve,
Thanks for the comment. What agency have you been affiliated with? I’m actually in between wedding bands right now so I might be looking to get a little more work if some of my projects don’t pan out. The NY band doesn’t get down this way much.

By: Steve Scheinberg Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:53:58 +0000 Definitely agree with your comments, particularly regarding playing with a wedding/event band as the only horn. I have played with agency bands for about 12 years and it’s an art unto itself. There are rarely charts for the tunes they do, and they segue from one song right into another. You have to know when to accompany, when to fill, when to solo, and when to LAY OUT. In fact, this is all true for multiple horn sections. I’ve been on gigs with other players who don’t grasp the above concept, and go all be-bop right on top of a delicate vocal. Or — even worse, as if that were possible — solo on top of another player’s solo. Ouch.

I’ve had lots of fun with multiple-horn sections, even though we had no charts and had not played before. Sometimes one player will come up with an accompaniment riff, and the other players will join in and harmonize it. That works great — unless you get a player who is going to do his own %$#& thing no matter what. Oh well.

As for band food — I always appreciate something better than Purina Band Chow or pre-maynonnaised bandwiches. Most of the agency gigs are nice hotels and country clubs, but you’d be surprised how godawful the food for the “vendors” is sometimes.

Congrats on the gig with the NY-based group. Sounds like fun.

Steve Scheinberg
SOTW MD Group member
